American Business Investment Corporation
American Business Investments provides business consultancy services. We work with a number of international companies in a number of different sectors including Manufacturing, Telecommunications, Mining, and Health care services.
We provide services to help you grow your business. If you have just an idea, we can help you get started by advising on everything from Corporate Structure and Organization to Business Development, website design and marketing, with the goal of establishing a well organized, professional corporation and help it to start to generate revenues. To raise your companies profile, we can help your company optimize its online presence by helping with the design, and launch of the website and help drive traffic to the website by working with International SEO companies to provide cost effective SEO marketing to the website.

If you are established company looking to grow or diversify, or establish your presence in the International markets, we can introduce your company to the right partners in International markets to help grow your business.

If you are a start up, we can help establish business to business relationships with other startups where there is synergies between the two companies that can be exploited for both companies benefits. We can introduce you to established companies that a start up can partner with to help grow its business and revenues.

Search Engine Optimization is critical to your online success. There is no better way to do cost effective SEO than to use low, cost effective international companies as the service provider. We can manage your SEO relationships with companies located internationally. We have established relationships with companies that provide these services at a fraction of the cost of using SEO marketing in the US. Whether you are a private company or a public company, raising your companies profile thru SEO helps the raise the profile of your companies services, products, and profile in the capital markets and ultimately help it generate revenues.
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